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Sammy BOrnstein

Hi. Welcome to my website and thanks for stopping by!

Many of you know me as Sammy B Fit but my real name is Samantha Bornstein (I go by Sammy or Sam) I'm 24 years old and a certified nutrition coach and personal trainer. I graduated from FIU in 2021 with a marketing degree but decided to follow my passion for helping others with their health and fitness journeys and fully committed to this for the long haul, as I have been coaching women since 2018.

I fell in love with health and fitness when I was about 16 years old, and have been a gym rat ever since. I’ve been athletic my entire life. I was a college bound soccer player, but quit going into my senior year of high school and decided to try out bodybuilding shows in NPC Bikini in June of 2016. I won the overall at my first 2 competitions, and became so intrigued by the sport and the nutrition side of it, that I started to educate myself as much as I could in my free time. I won my IFBB Pro card at my 3rd National Show in June of 2017, just after turning 19 years old, becoming one of the youngest IFBB Bikini Pros in the world. I went on to compete in 5 IFBB pro shows in 2018 with my best placing being 4th place.

After 2.5 years of competing, working closely alongside my coaches, and constantly dedicating time to educate myself, I was able to learn a lot about nutrition and training. I hung up my heels for good in 2018 and became a Lifestyle Coach for women all over the country, and a personal trainer for women who are local to Miami. It has become something that I am extremely passionate and confident about, and truly brings me so much joy! In my spare time I am always working on trying to expand my mind, and researching new studies on dieting and training to better myself and my clients.

Join my team of women today to see and feel true and lasting results, become educated on nutrition and training, and become the most confident and healthy version of yourself that you've always dreamed of! Not 100% sure just yet? Book your free consultation call in the bookings tab! 

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